Anna Pugh
Anna Pugh is a British designer who creates timeless leather bags. Each piece is handcrafted with a strong focus on feminine utility.
Anna started her bag label in 2012. It was born out of an idea for a shape and a desire to work with leather. Having previously worked as a creative pattern cutter for both high street and designer womenswear she developed her eye for creating pleasing shapes and lines, and exploring how they fit and fold around the body.

"I am very interested in the wearer, how it feels for her and whether or not the bag fits her and works."
Known for soft leather and focus on shape, Anna’s bags are staples for any wardrobe and have an ageless and enduring appeal.
At a time where fashion and luxury are looking towards craftsmanship and more sustainable products, all of Anna’s bags are designed, cut, stitched and finished in her Hove workshop.